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Dandelion Jelly

Plentiful in our yards are the yellow-flowered dandelions.  Usually thought of as a weed, these bright-colored flowers have a lot of health benefits and did you know can be eaten?  This summer, instead of trying to rid your home of dandelions, put them to good use!

One of the ways you can use dandelions in your backyard is to make jelly!  Tastes similar to honey, make this treat and give out as gifts (if you don’t eat it all yourself first!)

Dandelion jelly


1 quart of bright, fresh dandelion blossoms

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 package of powdered fruit pectin

5 1/2 cups of sugar



Rinse the dandelions quickly in cold water and snip off the stems and green collars under the blossoms. Boil the petals in 2 quarts of water for 3 minutes. Cool and strain, pressing the petals with your fingers to extract all the juice.

Measure out 3 cups of the dandelion liquid and place in a large jelly kettle. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 package of powdered fruit pectin (1 ¾ ounces). Bring the mixture to a boil. Add 5 ½ cups of sugar, stirring to mix well. Continue stirring, and boil the mixture for 2-½ minutes.

Pour into small glasses and cover with paraffin when the jelly is cool.

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