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4 Secret Weapons Every Homeschool Mom Needs

Homeschooling is a tremendous educational choice for many families. But it also presents certain challenges. There is no substitute teacher line to call when mom needs a break. Cabin fever can set in during certain times of the year. The day-to-day grind can get tiring. Pushing through the middle of the school year can be a challenge.

So, what are some secret weapons a homeschooling mom can use in her home?

  1. A Meal Plan

Putting a plan in place means that a lot of life can become automatic and require less hands-on involvement on a daily basis. Meal planning is a secret weapon many moms depend on. Having a meal plan in place frees up mom from making last second dashes to the store or serving cereal for breakfast too many times. There are many meal plan ideas online. Every mom should be able to find one that works for her family situation, budget, and dietary needs. It doesn’t have to be fancy. It can be simple and still work wonders!

  1. A Substitute Teacher Bin

It’s inevitable that mom will be sick at some point during the year. Since there is no substitute teacher to call, many moms have a secret weapon called a substitute teacher bin. They fill it with games, puzzles, books and other items that are highly engaging and self-directed. Mom can pull this out on a day when she’s not up to homeschooling and her children will still get plenty of learning opportunities that day.

  1. Audio Dramas

On those days when mom needs an hour to herself and also wants her children to be engaged in something worthwhile, audio dramas are a great secret weapon. Audio dramas provide exciting adventures, interesting characters, and engaging content. It provides the best of both worlds for mom! Mom gets a break while her children are learning through high-quality productions that introduce them to important historical events and people.

  1. A Friend

Every homeschool mom needs a good friend who understands and supports her choice to homeschool her children. Homeschooling is a commitment that requires a great deal of mom and burnout is a very real possibility without the support of others. Whether it is exchanging childcare or providing a listening ear, a homeschool mom needs someone she can call without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. Cultivating a solid friendship with another mom who understands and cares may be one of the most important secret weapons a homeschool mom has at her disposal.

Developing these four secret weapons that work in your homeschool may be one of the most strategic decisions you make for your homeschooling adventure! Do you have any other “secret weapons” to add to the list? Please share with us in the comment section.

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About Sallie Borrink

Sallie enjoys homeschooling her only child, Caroline, in beautiful West Michigan. As relaxed homeschoolers, they enjoy learning from all of life. Sallie creates learning materials and writes about homeschooling, parenting, faith and simple living at Sallie Borrink.

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