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Paul McCartney, Basketball, Pope Leo X: Providential History Podcast (Week of March 11)

Paul McCartney, Basketball, Pope Leo X: Providential History Podcast (Week of March 11)

Paul McCartney was knighted. The first public basketball game was held. And Giovanni de Medici became Pope Leo X.

It all happened the week of March 11, and it’s all discussed on this week’s edition of Providential History.

March 11

Paul McCartney, basketball debuts, Pope Leo X, bell-bottom pants.


March 12

Wilhelm Furtwangler, ski jumping, the New Temple, Coca-Cola.


March 13

Mary Poppins, English horse racing, Anna Porphyrogentia, Charles Henry Parkhurst.


March 14

Rolling Stones, Bubba Smith, St. Eutychius, Teddy Roosevelt, Roger Williams.


March 15

Going My Way, horse racing in San Francisco, rationing of clothes in London, Caesar, Columbus.


March 16

John Lennon, LPGA, James Madison, Babylonians, fertilizer.


March 17

Les Miserables, hockey riots, John Montgomery, Thomas Chalmers, St. Patrick.

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