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End Of The Year Reality Check For Homeschool Moms

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching …so that means homeschool moms are feeling pressure to get everything wrapped up. They are also tempted to feel guilty about how much they didn’t accomplish when they look at the plans they created last fall. But how much of it is necessary and true? Let’s do an end of year reality check just for homeschool moms.

Did you love your kids this year?
If your kids are safe and secure in your love, then you had a successful year.

Did you laugh with your kids?
If you made fun memories with your kids that included laughing, you had a successful year.

Did you treat them as individuals?
If you made sure that your children know you value each of them as a unique person, it was a successful year.

Did you find ways to strengthen your family?
If you found ways to grow stronger relationships between the members of your family, it was a successful year.

Did your children learn some math?
It was a successful year.

Did your children play with art materials?
It was a successful year.

Did your children learn something new about science?
It was a successful year.

Can your children spell more words now than they could last fall?
It was a successful year.

Did you introduce your children to someone interesting from history?
It was a successful year.

Did your children have playtime and get fresh air?
You had a successful year.

What makes a successful homeschool year? It’s not about getting through every bit of curriculum. It’s not about keeping up with the Joneses at co-op or church.

It is about learning and loving and living.

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There will be time in the future to do more math. History will always be there waiting. The science curriculum will loop back around again. If you missed some bit of grammar this year, you can spend ten minutes on it next year.

One of the reasons we homeschool is to foster within our children a love of learning. We also want them to recognize that learning is always happening and never really ends. If we take that approach as we judge whether or not we had a “successful” year of homeschooling, we’ll find that the successes far outweigh any of the negatives or struggles.

Mom, you’ve made it through another year. Focus on all that you’ve accomplished and celebrate all of the learning, living and loving that has happened in your home.

About Sallie Borrink

Sallie enjoys homeschooling her only child, Caroline, in beautiful West Michigan. As relaxed homeschoolers, they enjoy learning from all of life. Sallie creates learning materials and writes about homeschooling, parenting, faith and simple living at Sallie Borrink.

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