“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1 From the very first moment of time, God set the example for us to be creative. God has made each one of us with unimaginable creative potential, and each of us has our own unique perspective and thoughts on things. He wants us and our children to ...
Read More »Audio Learning
Foster Independence In Your Kids With Audio Learning
As a parent, you can’t do everything for your kids all of the time. Even if you could, that wouldn’t be what’s best for them. Kids need to know that they can do things all by themselves. It’s important that they have confidence in their abilities to, one day, manage their own lives. Kids also need to know that they ...
Read More »Audio Learning Brings Families Together
Some of the best memories of togetherness center around stories. It may be a story that your grandpa told you while you sat on his knee as a child or a favorite book that your dad read to you over and over. There is something special about listening to stories, especially when it involves members of our family. While the ...
Read More »Audio Learning Can Fill In The Gaps
Learning should be fun and learning should be exciting for kids. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Many children struggle to learn the material put before them and the result reveals learning gaps. Learning gaps can happen for a variety of reasons, but audio learning can help fill in those gaps. Learning gaps happen when your child does not ...
Read More »How To Recognize If Your Child Is An Audio Learner
It goes without saying that we all learn differently. You may see two children sitting side-by-side listening to their teacher. One is perfectly content to listen to him while the other fidgets. Take those same two children and present visuals, and the child that was previously fidgeting suddenly comes to life while the previously content listener now seems distracted. The ...
Read More »Audio Learning Can Help Busy Moms Get It All Done
Imagine if you could add hours to your day. Wouldn’t that be a dream?! Busy moms everywhere have often wished for just that. Trying to fit all of the laundry, cooking, dishes, errands, and learning into one day can be challenging. Some days, it’s simply not possible. You’re going to leave something undone. Some area is going to suffer. While ...
Read More »Audio Learning Can Make Your Kids Better Writers
People frequently place far too little emphasis on helping kids to become great writers and audio learning can help tremendously. The mechanics of writing, such as grammar, reading, vocabulary, and spelling, all get a lot of attention. However, dynamic writing often gets shoved to the wayside. Teachers and parents often don’t understand how much they can accomplish through teaching children ...
Read More »The Major Difference Between Audiobooks And Audio Dramas
When people think of audio learning, they often think of audiobooks. While audiobooks are a great way for kids to learn, audio dramas are even better. The terms sound similar, but there are vast differences between the two. Audio dramas are one of the best tools that teachers or parents can use for some subjects in school. They can change ...
Read More »5 Easy Activities To Expand Your Audio Learning Experience
Audio learning can be a wonderful addition to your child’s education. It helps increase your child’s ability to focus, makes good use of their time, and encourages creativity and imagination. It is also a great way to incorporate character training into their lessons. Audio learning itself can add a lot of value to your child’s education, but there are ways ...
Read More »The Importance Of Audio Learning For Dyslexic Kids
It is difficult, as a parent, to watch your child struggle as you stand aside not knowing how to help. Many parents know that their child is smart, as smart as their peers, yet their child repeatedly falls behind. Finding out why your child is struggling in school is key to helping them reach their full potential. For many parents, ...
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