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fear of the lord
Alfred understood that wisdom is rooted in the fear of the lord.

Alfred’s Wisdom Came From The Fear Of The Lord

fear of the lord

Alfred understood that wisdom is rooted in the fear of the lord.

Wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord. We must understand that God rules the universe and that we don’t. We must take God very seriously. Moreover, we must reverence and honor Him. We must listen to His word and obey it.

Alfred understood this. Even as a young boy, Alfred realized how important it was for him to fear God and keep his heart and mind pure. He prayed long and hard about this. He got up early each morning and went to nearby churches and chapels to pray by himself.

The Fear Of The Lord In The Midst Of Sickness


Eventually, he asked God for a strange thing. He asked for a mild illness that would keep him from temptation. God heard him, but his sickness proved painful and embarrassing. Consequently, Alfred asked God if he could trade it for something else. Again God heard him. This time the pain was in his gut. It might have been Crohn’s disease, something for which we still have no cure. Alfred endured this disease for twenty-five years. Through it all, Alfred learned to trust God more and more.

Godly Wisdom Is Demonstrated In Obedience


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But if we want to grow in wisdom, we must listen to those who are more experienced than we are. First of all, this means listening to father and mother. We must also listen to our pastors, elders, and teachers. And then we must read books. Old books contain the wisdom of the past.

Alfred loved and obeyed his parents. After they died, Alfred loyally followed his older brothers. He listened to the counsel of his lords. However, from his youth, Alfred also read books. Here is the first story we have about Alfred:

Alfred’s mother showed her children a costly book, handwritten and beautifully adorned. She promised it to the first of them who could memorize it. Alfred immediately took her up on her offer. He snatched the book and ran off to find a tutor who could read it aloud. Alfred worked and worked until he could recite the whole thing. So began his life-long love of reading.

What Made Alfred Truly Great? He Loved Christian Faith And Learning


When Alfred became king, the defense of England was naturally his first priority. Next, he worked on reforming England’s currency. After that, Alfred worked on the reformation of England’s faith and learning. He surrounded himself with scholars. Alfred learned Latin, the language of Christian scholarship. He began a translation program. Alfred also worked to have all the great classics of his day translated into English (Anglo-Saxon). He even did some of the translation himself.

Alfred established a school for his own children and for those of his nobles. Moreover, he ordered schools for children to be set up throughout his kingdom. Finally, Alfred insisted that all his lords learn to read. Alfred continued to push himself as well. He even invented a lantern that would burn evenly through the night so that he could give prayer and reading the time they deserved.

Do you seek wisdom the way Alfred did? Have you pursued the fear of the Lord? Do you listen to your parents and elders? Do you discipline yourself to love reading? England’s greatest king did, and he changed the course of history.

You may also consider reading another Live The Adventure Letter article: Regaining The Blessings Of Liberty By “Appealing To Heaven”

What do you think about wisdom having its roots in the fear of the Lord? Let us know in the comments below.




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