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Homeschooling With Chronic lllness

Chronic illness presents many unique challenges in life. However, it doesn’t have to be a roadblock to homeschooling. In fact, homeschooling can be an excellent choice for a family dealing with chronic illness. Let’s consider a few ways homeschooling is a great fit for a parent with chronic illness.

Embracing the Freedom of Homeschooling

Homeschooling allows you greater control over your schedule which can be incredibly important when you struggle physically. Instead of your family life being driven by a traditional school schedule and all of the demands and expectations that come with it, you can make choices that fit your particular family the best.

With homeschooling, you are free to plan your homeschooling for the time of day you feel best. If you don’t feel well in the morning, you can push school back a few hours until you feel better. You will benefit from much greater flexibility scheduling medical appointments when homeschooling. As a homeschooler, you can even alter the time of year you homeschool if it fits better with your physical needs. Homeschooling offers a great deal of freedom which is important when dealing with chronic illness.

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Learning Life Lessons

By homeschooling with a chronic illness, you are able to teach your children many valuable life lessons on a daily basis. You’ll be an example of prioritizing and balancing important needs such as taking care of yourself, taking care of your family, and providing an education for your children. Your children will learn how to become more independent and take ownership of their learning. They will also learn how to relate to someone who struggles physically; hopefully increasing their level of compassion for others outside of their home. These are valuable life lessons to learn at an early age. Rather than seeing your chronic illness as something that takes away from your family, choose to embrace the ways it can make your children stronger people in the long-run.

Creating a Family Culture

Homeschooling gives families the unique opportunity to create their own family culture. God can use your chronic illness to strengthen your family in ways you would never imagine. Activities and obligations other families might naturally gravitate toward won’t work for your family. And that’s fine! Instead, you can choose to create a family culture that strengthens relationships between family members. You can choose family activities instead of individual ones. You can choose homeschooling curriculum that brings your children together instead of separating them. There are many ways to strengthen your family culture through homeschooling.

Chronic illness doesn’t mean homeschooling is impossible. In fact, the truth is just the opposite! Many parents with chronic illness homeschool successfully. It might be just the answer for your family as well.

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About Sallie Borrink

Sallie enjoys homeschooling her only child, Caroline, in beautiful West Michigan. As relaxed homeschoolers, they enjoy learning from all of life. Sallie creates learning materials and writes about homeschooling, parenting, faith and simple living at Sallie Borrink.

One comment

  1. Remember the reasons you are homeschooling. Write them down if you need to. There will be days you will be tempted to take the seemingly easy way out and just send them to school. Knowing why you homeschool, and that those reasons have not changed with your health, will help keep you going. Whatever time your children have at home with you is much better than the time they ll have at school.

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