Materials Needed:
- Popsicle Sticks
- Rubber Banks
- Plastic Spoon
- Pom poms or mini marshmallows
- Markers or Paint (Optional)
- If you want to color or paint the popsicle sticks, do it now before you assemble.
- Make a stack of popsicle sticks and rubber band them together on each end.
- Take 2 additional popsicle sticks and stack them together. Rubber band them together on just 1 end.
- Pull the 2 popsicle sticks slightly apart and place the larger stack of popsicle sticks in between the.
- Rubber band the stack of popsicle sticks to just the upper popsicle stick.
- Rubber band a plastic spoon to the upper popsicle stick.
- Place a pom pom or marshmallow onto the spoon.
- Hold the catapult with 1 hand, use the other hand to pull spoon down and then release the spoon to launch!
- Practice with different items to launch. Try raisins, cherrrios, paper clips, or whatever is on hand (and easy to clean up).
- If more than 1 child is doing this activity, have them compete against each other. Who can launch the farthest?