As far back as Felicie can remember, she’s wanted to dance. Maybe that’s due to her birth mom, who placed her in an orphanage as a baby and left her with a ballerina-themed music box that Felicie always has treasured.
It’s the only physical connection she has to her biological past.
Felicie, though, isn’t content with just dreaming about dancing. This energetic, tween-aged carrot top wants to run away from the orphanage and train at one of the world’s top ballet schools. Perhaps one in Paris! But how will she do that?
Her good friend and fellow orphan Victor has a plan: They’ll escape the orphanage in the middle of the night, hop on a train, and then make their way to Paris … where all her dreams supposedly will come true.
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They do make their way to Paris, but they soon discover that 1880s France isn’t very hospitable to orphans. In fact, it’s downright hostile. Their plight worsens when they are separated in the big city, forcing Felicie (Elle Fanning) to make it on her own.
The animated Leap! (PG) opens this weekend, giving us a story about a girl who has a passion for ballet and won’t give up, no matter the circumstances.
It’s one of the more family-friendly movies you’ll ever see, even if does contain a couple of ethical/worldview concerns.
Here’s what parents need to know:
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